Star wars imperial navy ships
Star wars imperial navy ships

star wars imperial navy ships star wars imperial navy ships

While the armor has changed, the Stormtrooper Corps is still comprised mainly of Fett clones from Kamino, although a massive influx of troops utilizing Kaminoan and Arkanian cloning methods have bolstered the Stormtrooper legions. Their command structure was the same, they obeyed Sheev Palpatine. As they were conditioned from birth to obey over 100 directives that eventually lead up to the execution of Order 66, the transition from the Republic to the Empire was very easy for them. Stormtrooper Corp s The faceless shock troopers of the Galactic Empire are made up of clone troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic. If the troopers man a vehicle, start with a base skill of 4D and add +1D for each crew in the vehicle, then add +1D for each additional vehicle in the platoon for a final score.

star wars imperial navy ships star wars imperial navy ships

The standard kit for an Imperial Army trooper includes a jumpsuit, a helmet with a built-in comlink, field armor (+1D physical, +2 energy), a survival gear pack, a DC-15A blaster rifle (4D+1 damage), two frag grenades (5D), a blaster pistol (4D) and a utility belt with supplies.Īll Imperial Army Units have a base of 3D in each skill, with a bonus of +1D in the following skills for each additional member of the group. For instance, all Imperial Star Destroyers carry 9,700 troops for shipboard protection and to man the pre-fabricated Imperial Base that a Star Destroyer can quickly deploy to a planet. The Imperial Army relies on the Navy for transport to Imperial bases and is counted as troops listed on any ship that carries troops. These vehicles include the All Terrain series walkers, the Juggernaut, the Saber-class hover tank, and the Occupier combat assault tank. The Assault Crews of the myriad of land vehicles and speeders that the Empire employs to pacify worlds are also drawn from the Imperial Army. Not all of the soldiers are volunteers, as, after the Jedi Coup of 19BBY, the Emperor decreed that soldiers would be conscripted to bolster the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic (which at that point had not transitioned into the Imperial Military).Īll Imperial Army Troopers receive training in hand-to-hand combat, blaster combat and maintenance, and how to survive in the wilderness. These are without fail, humans from the hundreds of thousands of worlds that make up the Galactic Empire. Imperial Army The bulk of the troops of the New Order are the standard army trooper.

Star wars imperial navy ships